Photo Policy for APEX “Photo Enabled” Events

While APEX continues to have a strict “No Photo” policy for most events occurring within the APEX space, we are introducing a new “Photo Enabled” policy for specific events. This policy is defined as follows:

Photo Policy

1. Policy Overview

    Opt-In Requirement: Members who wish to participate in photography must opt-in by acquiring a designated wristband that signifies their consent to be photographed. Members taking the photos must also have a wristband. Members must be informed that participating carries an inherent risk of uncontrolled distribution, despite policy measures.

    2. Gaining a Wristband

      Wristband Distribution: Wristbands will be distributed at the entrance or a designated area of the event. Members must sign a waiver acknowledging the photo policy, the risks involved, and the procedures for revoking consent.

      Visibility of Wristband: Members must ensure that their wristband is visibly displayed in all photographs. Failure to display the wristband may result in the photograph being subject to deletion.

      Authority of Dungeon Monitor (DM): While a DM is not required to be present for photography to occur, they have the authority to verbally request photo access from a member during the event. Consent to this access is contingent upon the member receiving a wristband.

      Rule Compliance: Circumventing this rule is considered a serious violation and is grounds for membership revocation.

      3. Privacy Measures

        Designated No Photo Areas: Certain areas will be explicitly marked as No Photo zones, with clear signage indicating such restrictions.

        Explicit Prior Consent is still required by all photo subjects before the photo is taken. Just because somebody has a wristband on doesn’t give another person permission to take their photo. You must ask all people visible in the photo for their consent before taking a photograph.

        4. Communication and Enforcement

          Event Announcements/Descriptions: Prior to all events, announcements will clearly mark which events are designated as Photo Enabled events.

          Zero Tolerance for Misuse: There will be a strict prohibition against any unauthorized distribution of images. Permission must be given by all photo subjects to publish photographs. Any violation of this policy may result in membership termination. Distribution of photos without consent may constitute ‘revenge porn’ which is a legal offense.

          5. Post-Event Protocol

            Notification and Consent: If a photo is captured with a non-consenting member present, the photographer must notify the member (if able) and APEX, and all copies of the photo must be destroyed immediately.

            Revocation of Consent: Any member or APEX may revoke consent at any time after an image is taken. If the image has been published, the publishing party must remove the image within 24-72 hours of receiving notification. Notification can come from the member revoking consent or APEX. The publisher will attempt to contact anyone who has a copy of the image in question to have it destroyed but cannot be held liable for images if unsuccessful when using due diligence.