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Floggers & Whippers EDGE – Date Change

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Event Series Event Series: Floggers & Whippers EDGE

February 2 @ 4:00 pm 7:00 pm

Floggers are one of the most commonly used implements for impact play. The Floggers EDGE provides D/types, switches, and s/types opportunities to develop and improve flogging skills and styles, and to promote safety awareness and informed consent practices in a peer-to-peer setting. We will discuss topics such as flogger impact on the body, basic fundamentals, advanced technical skills such as Florentine flogging and body mechanics, as well as types of floggers, rhythm, artistic styles, how personal backgrounds influence styles, and more. s/types are encouraged to attend in order to learn about safe flogging play and through informed consent, assist D/types in improving their skills.

Within BDSM play, whips are one of the most fascinating implements used for impact play. The Whipper’s EDGE is designed to bring individuals across all skill levels to share experiences and knowledge. We will discuss topics such as the anatomy of a whip, how dangerous it can be, throwing techniques, rhythm, puffs vs cracks, how bottoms can get ramped up to take a crack, and more.

Facilitator Bio:

Master Brian (@Master-Brian) has been a member of APEX for 33 years. He leads the Floggers & Whippers E.D.G.E. every 2nd Sunday, and the Woo EDGE every 4th Sunday.

About EDGEs

EDGE (Extended Development, Growth, and Education) groups are made up of APEX members who all share a common interest in learning, teaching, and developing skills. Each EDGE is a peer-to-peer learning environment that facilitates practice and sharing knowledge in a particular subject area.

Open to All Current APEX (and Reciprocal) Members

FREE for All Access Members Always, $5 for Standard (Pay Per Event) or Reciprocal Members. You can renew at the door, and Pay Per Event Members can pay in person.

Please note: All attendees MUST be members. Guests are not permitted (unless you have already purchased an Ancillary Membership which is very uncommon).

You can learn more about being a Member of the Arizona Power Exchange on our Membership Page.

Need to Renew? You can do that at the door!

Reciprocal Members: We will need to see your ID and Membership card. Please don’t come without those. We must see them to let you in. Visit our Reciprocal Membership page for more information or to verify current Reciprocal Organizations.

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