January, 2024

A Special Interest Group are members of the Community who share a common interest that come together to talk, share, and support one another. Keeping with the Arizona Power Exchange mission of support, APEX provides space to these discussion groups free of charge, and membership in the club is not required. If you are interested in any of these discussion groups, please check our calendar for the schedule. Anyone over 18 who shares an interest with the group may attend. If you are interested in facilitating a S.I.G. that is not currently represented, please [email protected]

Like all our Special Interest Groups (SIGs) this is FREE to ALL adults in the community. No APEX membership is required. If you know of someone who might be interested in this group, let them know about this meeting!

This event is intended for adults over 18 years old, and will have adult content that may be offensive. Please do not attend this event if you are offended by adult subjects, nudity, and adult language.

© Copyright 2012-2023: The Arizona Power Exchange

E.D.G.E. Groups: Extended Development, Growth, & Education (E.D.G.E.). An E.D.G.E. group is made up of APEX members who all share a common interest in learning, teaching, and developing skills. This is a peer-to-peer learning environment that facilitates practice and sharing knowledge in a particular area. Educational groups will be open to all APEX members who would like to join.

If you are interested in beginning an E.D.G.E. group, please e-mail [email protected]

© Copyright 2013-2023: The Arizona Power Exchange

The APEX 101 series is an introduction to specific skills. Come learn the basics of these skills. These classes are for beginners, those new to a particular kind of play, or someone wanting a ‘sampling’ of the possibilities and intended to make you comfortable with the general premise of the chosen fetish.

The APEX 101 series is designed to be a fun and interactive environment. You will get an overview of the evening, and then you can spend your time learning about the things you are interested in! This is an opportunity to ask questions, see up close how things work and in some cases even try those things!

The APEX 202's: Practice, a variety of techniques, and a wider exposure will allow you to take your skills to the next level! The APEX 202 series is designed to be a fun and interactive environment. You will get an overview of the evening, and then you can spend your time doing the things you are interested in! This is also an opportunity to see many different ways to do what we do, and decide which one is right for you! This is an opportunity to ask questions, see up close how things work, and most importantly, PRACTICE!

It's time to step up our game. The APEX 202 puts you in the driver's seat. The APEX 202 will offer different variations of the skill, ranging from beginner to advanced, or when appropriate show you different ways that skill can be practiced. Then we split off into groups based on which way we want to learn, and you will get to practice the skill with someone to watch over your shoulder and to answer questions, so you can practice with confidence.

Continue your Education with the APEX 303's. The APEX 303 is designed to provide an advanced education on various topic. Everyone is welcome, but often there will be prerequisite skills and knowledge.

© Copyright 2017-2023: The Arizona Power Exchange

As a volunteer-run organization, it takes a lot of hands to help keep the club clean and running smoothly!  Operations is the time when we show up and get to work!  If you'd like to volunteer or have specific skills you'd like to offer to the club, please email: [email protected] or show up to one of these events!

Did you know that APEX is run ENTIRELY by volunteers?  Every person working at every event, is a member!  It takes about 450 volunteer hours to keep the club running and to produce all of the amazing events we have each month!  

Volunteer Training is your opportunity to become one of the amazing people who keep your club running smoothly.  

New Member Orientation is required for ALL incoming new members and members who have been away from the club for 2 or more years.  

Orientation is your opportunity to learn the rules of APEX, see the club, ask questions, and learn about our culture.

Typically, orientation takes about an hour from beginning to end.

Hope to see you there!

At APEX, we have education every Monday night!  Join us to further your BDSM education throughout your journey.  

Classes on various topics that can include lecture, hands on, discussion, or other kinds of teaching. Monday Night Topics are booked 3-6 months ahead so you can plan!

If there is a subject that you are interested in seeing or teaching, please email [email protected].

*Occasionally we will do a class that is open to the entire adult community as a service. Please look for these with the note "Open to our entire 18+ Community".*

Parties or opportunities for play are both social and fun!  So bring your toys and join us!  This is a Members-Only event!

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© 2024 Arizona Power Exchange