Bylaws & Policies

The operations of The Arizona Power Exchange are guided by three key documents: our Corporate Bylaws, our Corporate Policy document, and our Operations Policy document. The purpose of these documents is frequently a source of confusion when members discuss the organization of the club. For example, members may suggest making a change to “the bylaws” when it would be most appropriate to make said change to Club Policy. At its most basic, the difference between the three documents are as follows:

  • Corporate Bylaws are tied directly to the incorporation of APEX, and specify the internal management structure.
  • Corporate Policy is created by the Board of Directors to guide the vision for APEX and to detail the behavior of Management and Volunteers.
  • Operations Policy is created by the Executive Committee to drive the day-to-day, ongoing operations of APEX.

Most of the policies that most directly impact APEX members are part of Operations Policy. This includes the APEX Code of Conduct for members.

Additional Policy Pages

We have created standalone pages for some of our specific policies for ease of reference: