Bylaws & Policies

The operations of The Arizona Power Exchange are guided by three key documents: our Corporate Bylaws, our Corporate Policy document, and our Operations Policy document. The purpose of these documents is frequently a source of confusion when members discuss the organization of the club. For example, members may suggest making a change to “the bylaws” when it would be most appropriate to make said change to Club Policy. At its most basic, the difference between the three documents are as follows:

  • Corporate Bylaws are tied directly to the incorporation of APEX, and specify the internal management structure.
  • Corporate Policy is created by the Board of Directors to guide the vision for APEX and to detail the behavior of Management and Volunteers.
  • Operations Policy is created by the Executive Committee to drive the day-to-day, ongoing operations of APEX.

Most of the policies that most directly impact APEX members are part of Operations Policy. This includes the APEX Code of Conduct for members.