BB25 Community Group Application

2025 Bizarre Bazaar Community Group Application

Bizarre Bazaar Community Group Application

Community Group Application

Thank you for your interest in participating in Bizarre Bazaar as a community group!

This application is specifically for community groups looking to engage with attendees and share resources or information.

What You Need to Know:

  • Each space includes:
    • One 6-foot table area
    • One table and two chairs
    • Basic electricity for light usage, such as charging a phone or operating a single violet wand
    • Option to request a black tablecloth
  • Each group will receive two entry badges for their participants.
  • Check-in for community groups begins at 8:30 AM, giving you 90 minutes to set up before the event starts.
  • There is no donation requirement for community groups.

We are excited to learn more about your group and review your application. Thank you for being a part of Bizarre Bazaar!

Business Name(Required)
Have You Vended at Kink Karnival Or Bizarre Bazaar in the past
Are you a current APEX Member
Do you need more than 2 Passes?
Apex provides 2 passes to vendors if you need more please specify how many
Do you need Electricity(Required)
0 of 1000 max characters
0 of 1200 max characters
0 of 250 max characters
Please provide any specific needs we will accommodate what we can.
Accepted file types: png, jpg, jpeg, Max. file size: 10 MB.
Accepted file types: png, jpg, jpeg, Max. file size: 10 MB.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.