Ethical Bratting
How To Cause Problems on Purpose While Respecting Consent and Boundaries
March 24 @ 7:15 pm – 9:00 pm
Let’s face it – brats have an image problem. A problem that, sadly, may have been earned based on the actions of brats past. It is easy to forget that bratting, like any kink, requires talk of consent and boundaries in order to ensure that both parties will be enjoying those interactions. Too often we consider bratting as just getting a bit mouthy, without considering how behaving that way toward others without negotiating things first is a great way to alienate people from brats entirely.
This class will cover many of the pitfalls we brats may encounter when interacting with others, both as play partners and in general within the community. We will go over general tips, negotiation questions to ask, and ways to check in with your play partners without breaking the flow of bratty banter. The goal of bratting is never to leave our partners feeling insulted and unwanted, so let’s make sure we are keeping our play enjoyable for all parties involved!
Note: while much of the class will be directed to s-type brats, we WILL be talking about and covering D-type brats as well! All are welcome!
Presenter Bio:
Tidbit has been a member of both the kink and leather communities since 2006. He began his journey in the New England area, attending events such as Black Rose, Floating World, Camp Crucible, and the Leather Flea and Plays (LF&Ps) of both Providence and DC. Since relocating to Phoenix, he has also participated in Sin in the City in LA, as well as numerous events at APEX. Tidbit has demo-bottomed for a number of classes over the years, everything from rope to cutting and scarification, and has been involved in a few multi-year CNC relationships as a sub. During the pandemic, Tidbit would give beginners kink advice on Tiktok under the username terrible_tidbit (up until the app applied the ban hammer as it often does to our educators).
Tidbit identifies as a sub and a service-oriented brat with a love of witty banter. He is transmasc, poly and demi-aroace. Tidbit was also a teacher in the vanilla world for 10 years, so while this is the first class he is teaching at APEX it is far from the first class he has ever taught. He has also been on the BDSM in Pop Culture panel at Phoenix Fan Fusion the past two years, and this year will be hosting a new “Hear Me Out” panel for monster fuckers.